Even though most Gen Xers feel unprepared for retirement, I believe it’s never too late to start. Because when you get your head out of the sand and get to know your numbers, you’ll realize your financial freedom is closer than you think!

Join us as we discuss topics relevant to help us prepare for retirement, such as paying off debt, emergency funds and retirement savings, aging parents, and the transition to retirement life itself. 

Hi! I’m Dalene, Podcast Host and Financial Coach

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"I am finally taking control of my finances at age 51... I came across your podcast and it is so relatable to me."

"As a 45 year old male, the name of this podcast caught my attention yesterday. After listening to about 3 episodes while on a drive, I have to say I really enjoyed the content. Lots of folks are taking to young people, which is important so they don't start with bad money habits, but I'm correcting old habits so someone addressing our age bracket is a welcome change. Good luck with your podcast, I look forward to seeing what your future episodes bring!" ~Njdmmoe

"Dalene does a great job talking about how to be in a good place with your money for those that are GenX. She breaks things down into practical steps which I love! I have enjoyed listening to this podcast!" 


"Excited for future episodes! Thanks for teaching us this has been really useful for while I'm commuting and giving me guidance on goal setting and budgeting." 

~sf dentista

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